
Apply formatting automatically using shortcodes.


Empower your writing experience by enabling autoformatting features. Add Markdown-like shortcuts that automatically apply formatting as you type.
While typing, try these mark rules:
  • Type ** or __ on either side of your text to add **bold* mark.
  • Type * or _ on either side of your text to add *italic mark.
  • Type ` on either side of your text to add `inline code mark.
  • Type ~~ on either side of your text to add ~~strikethrough~ mark.
  • Note that nothing happens when there is a character before, try on:*bold
  • We even support smart quotes, try typing "hello" 'world'.
At the beginning of any new block or existing block, try these (block rules):
  • Type *, - or +followed by space to create a bulleted list.
  • Type 1. or 1) followed by spaceto create a numbered list.
  • Type [],or [x]followed by space to create a todo list.
  • Type > followed by space to create a block quote.
  • Type ``` to create a code block.
  • Type --- to create a horizontal rule.
  • Type # followed by space to create an H1 heading.
  • Type ### followed by space to create an H3 sub-heading.
  • Type #### followed by space to create an H4 sub-heading.
  • Type ##### followed by space to create an H5 sub-heading.
  • Type ###### followed by space to create an H6 sub-heading.
'use client';

import React from 'react';

import { Plate } from '@udecode/plate/react';

import { editorPlugins } from '@/components/editor/plugins/editor-plugins';
import { useCreateEditor } from '@/components/editor/use-create-editor';
import { Editor, EditorContainer } from '@/components/plate-ui/editor';

import { DEMO_VALUES } from './values/demo-values';

export default function Demo({ id }: { id: string }) {
  const editor = useCreateEditor({
    plugins: [...editorPlugins],
    value: DEMO_VALUES[id],

  return (
    <Plate editor={editor}>
      <EditorContainer variant="demo">
        <Editor />